Join Aurora’s specialist photography expedition to Antarctica

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Aurora Expeditions have created a special photographic expedition for just 27 passengers. Accompanied by two professional photographers, David Burren and Martin Bailey from LuminOdyssey, this voyage is for all levels of photographers.

This 25 day trip begins in Ushuaia at the Southern tip of Argentina and cruises south over the Drake Passage to spend a week on the Antarctic Peninsula. Time will be spent exploring the historic and rich wildlife at Vernadsky Station, taking in theĀ  spectacular rugged coastline from Lemaire Channel to the Gerlache Strait as you head northwards to King George Island. You will be greeted by fur and elephant seals as well as adelie, gentoo and chinstrap penguins. As you continue north, you will witness the spectacular cliffs of the Falkland Islands, home to an abundance of breeding birds and the world’s largest black browed albatross colony at Steeple Jason Island as you steam towards Atlantic Patagonia. Following the steps of Darwin, you will explore the abundant wildlife, visiting Puerto Desaedo, Bahia Bustamante and the waters around Peninsula Valdes. Enjoy the spectacle of majestic orcas feeding on young sea lions at Punta Norte before you sail into the port of Mar del Plata.

Whether you’re using film or digital, a compact camera or an SLR, you will return with the essence of Antarctica captured by your lens. This may be an iceberg shining on a slate grey sea, minke whales spouting beside the ship, and clouds, pre-dawn pink, which morph into ice-draped mountains.

For digital camera photographers, resident experts, David and Martin will explain how to process and organise images with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3. Prior to the voyage David and Martin will be available to advise you regarding your photography equipment. During the passage to Antarctica they will present classes and seminars to help prepare you for the Peninsula & Falkland Islands, and these will continue throughout the voyage.


David Burren: David is a renowned photographer and teacher. He teaches colour management and digital processing at Photography Studies College in Melbourne. David has photographed the natural world on all seven continents, from the deserts of outback Australia to the cold of the Antarctic summer and the Arctic winter. David’s personal site:

Martin Bailey: Martin is a British nature and wildlife photographer based in Japan, and is known to many photographers through his popular podcast, blog and workshops. Martin’s personal site:

Aurora Expeditions pioneered ship-based adventures and remain committed to small, low-impact groups keen to experience Antarctica in many ways, whether it is climbing, scuba diving, sea kayaking, photography or sitting quietly and absorbing the surrounding magnificence.

Aurora Expeditions is proud to be the first Australian member of the International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators (IAATTO), dedicated to leading expeditions that respect the environmental guidelines and codes of conduct.

Prices start from US$9350 and include ship accommodation, all meals onboard, all shore excursions, lectures, medical services, port charges and taxes)

For further information contact Aurora Expeditions or your local travel agent. or 02 9252 1011 www.facebook/auroraexpeditions

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