Tokoriki Sponsors ITS TIME FOUNDATION to Help Fijian Schools

Filed under Fiji

Tokoriki Island Resort, Fiji has recently announced a sponsorship of Its Time Foundation, which assists remote Pacific Island schools replace their diesel power with solar or wind enabling them to spend their limited funds on books, computers and other desperately needed resources rather than fuel.

Tokoriki Island Resort’s sponsorship will help replace diesel generated power at Namamanuca Primary School in Yanuya Village with solar power.

“We are really proud to be able to help such a worthy Foundation that helps so many schools and children benefit from a better education. The money saved on fuel will now be used to buy books, computers and other desperately needed education resources. We also welcome guests to contribute which is a great way to reduce their holiday carbon footprint in assisting to protect the coral, fish and the island people from climate change.” says Robert Ring, General Manager, Tokoriki Island Resort

Yanuya Village, the landowners of Tokoriki Island is a short boat ride away from the resort and is home to around 500 people, including many of the Tokoriki team. Tokoriki has also contributed to Yanuya Village with the building of the Kindergarten, media centre/library, 3 new teacher’s quarters and recently renovated the Head Masters home.

Its Time Foundation has both an environmental and social focus, delivering renewable power solutions for remote Pacific Island schools with the duel objectives of reducing carbon emissions and enhancing education in the target communities.

Its Time Foundation is not the only sponsorship Tokoriki Island Resort is associated with. Tokoriki is a founding member of the Mamanuca Environment Society (MES) and is committed to improving and protecting the local environment through awareness and education.  MES contribute to the community in many different ways, from programs in the Mamanuca schools, to clean up campaigns in the local villages. Tokoriki Island Resort supports MES through its founding membership plus Tokoriki’s guests are also major contributors to the society.

Dive Tokoriki and the Ministry of Fisheries have also initiated “The Tokoriki Island Giant Clam Regeneration Project”. Three species of Clams: Tridacna Giga (Giant), Tridacna Squamosa (Fluted) and Tridacna Derasa (Smooth) have been planted around Tokoriki Island. This is a significant conservation step for Fiji as the Tridacna Gigas and Tridacna Derasa are the first of their species to be re-introduced to Western Fiji – having become extinct in the 1960s.

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