New Brand Campaign for Fiji Airways

Filed under Fiji
Fiji Airways launches WELCOME TO OUR HOME Campaign
New brand position captures unique Fijian spirit of friendship and family
Fiji Airways, Fiji’s National Airline, has launched its new brand campaign designed to showcase to the world the warm nature of Fijian hospitality. Called WELCOME TO OUR HOME, it captures the unique Fijian experience travellers have on-board Fiji Airways, and by extension, in Fiji.  This being a very personal, human experience, the familiarity of home, where visitors are treated as extended family, not tourists.
Fiji Airways Managing Director and CEO Stefan Pichler said: “Treating visitors like family is an inherent quality of Fijians. Our people at Fiji Airways naturally extend this same courtesy to all our guests on board. They are far more than just a seat number, they are part of our extended Fijian family.” 
Captured in Fiji, Australia and New Zealand, the campaign launches a series of videos featuring three real families who recently travelled to and from Fiji needing a much-deserved home-away-from-home experience of a lifetime. They were nominated by friends and family back in September.
A once tight-knit family from the suburbs of Sydney, Australia, the Monahan siblings were given the opportunity to reunite after losing their mother and splitting into different homes. Their trip sees them become a single unit honouring their mother’s last wishes, and experiencing their first overseas family holiday.
The McConnells are a hardworking dairy family from Hamilton, New Zealand who have had little time to get away on a family holiday because of the demands of running a family farm with 850 cattle.
Elenoa, a Fijian widow from Laucala Beach, Fiji, boarded a plane for the very first time, and ventured to New Zealand to unite with family she had not seen for years.
Their stories are available on
Mr. Pichler added: “Following our successful relaunch to Fiji Airways last year, we have revamped our marketing approach and have now included more of Fiji’s people in the way we market our company and the country overseas. As the national carrier, we want to show off what makes Fiji so special and unique as an experience. This brand position resonates well with the Fijian people because they live this experience every day.
“This also better aligns us with our aim of becoming a leading boutique airline which has a unique, personal touch.”
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