Scoot receives its first symbolic 787 Dreamliner component from Rolls-Royce
Caption: "Scoot CEO Campbell Wilson, Scooties Michelle (right) and Nadirah (left) with the Trent 1000 engine fan blade painted with Scootitude artwork!"
CEO of Scoot, Campbell Wilson, received the one-of-a-kind titanium fan blade from Rolls-Royce, Assistant Vice President, Civil Large Engines, Philip Atkins at the 2014 Singapore Airshow, and an event marking Scoot’s commitment to the Trent 1000 engine to power its new fleet of 20 Boeing 787 Dreamliners.
Making the partnership even more special is the strong Singapore link: all of Scoot’s Dreamliners will be powered by Trent 1000s assembled in Singapore at the Rolls-Royce Seletar Campus.
Maintaining the local theme, the commemorative blade’s artwork was inspired by local artist Mohammad Azlan Ramlan, also known as Ceno2. Painted in fine-art graffiti style to evoke the desire of travellers to go places yet come together as one, the splatter depicts a jet engine core surrounded by the globe symbolizes the yearning to travel beyond our physical boundaries.
Said Campbell, “We are truly honoured to have such a great engine partner in Rolls-Royce to help power our Boeing 787 Dreamliners. The 787 and Trent 1000s are technological marvels, delivering great fuel efficiency so we can continue offering great value airfares to our guests for them to Get Outta Here more often! And that Singapore’s Scoot can use engines built in Singapore by Singaporeans… well, that’s just the icing on the cake!”
Scoot will start taking delivery of its 20 Dreamliners starting in November 2014, all of which will be powered by Singapore-assembled Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines.
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[1] Scoot was named “LCC of the Year” at Terrapinn’s Annual Budgie$ & Travel Awards Ceremony, held in conjunction with their 10th Annual World Low Cost Airlines Asia Pacific 2013.
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