Fiji’s President To Officially Open Revitalised Treasure Island

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The President of the Republic of Fiji, His Excellency Ratu Epeli Nailatikau will officially re-open Treasure Island Resort on 17 December.

While the resort is now fully operational and accepted its first guests in almost 12 months on 01 December, the 17th is symbolic for the Treasure Island family and in fact the whole of Fiji given it marks the one year anniversary when Cyclone Evan made landfall in the Mamanuca Islands with such devastating effect.

Treasure Island & Bounty Island Resorts Group General Manager, Scott Walton said it was an honour to have the President officiating at the reopening. .

“We are delighted that the President of Fiji has agreed to take time out from his very busy schedule to visit us and take part in what promises to be a memorable occasion,” Mr Walton said.

“Having President Nailatikau here truly underlines the importance of tourism to Fiji, its place as one of this country’s key drivers of economic growth and the benefits every man, woman and child in this destination derive from international visitation.

“His visit here and this official reopening will mark an auspicious and very memorable milestone in our 41-year history.”
To make a booking and for more information on Treasure Island Resort, visit



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