Fiji President re-opens renovated Treasure Island

Filed under Fiji

Revitalised Treasure Island opens bang on target to roll out the ‘Bula‘ carpet

Treasure Island & Bounty Island Resorts Group General Manager, Scott Walton (on right) and his staff extending the truest of ‘Bula’ welcomes to the very first guests to visit Treasure Island in 2013 following the completion of an extensive renovation program after the devastation caused by Tropical Cyclone Evan in December 2012.

True to their word, Mr Walton and the entire staff have pulled out all the stops to ensure the iconic resort was fully operational and ready to greet the first contingent of international guests arriving on 01 December.

Paying tribute to the staff who he said had “toiled with huge passion and energy to make the on time reopening a reality”, Mr Walton said the “bang on target” achievement was the result of a real team effort from everyone involved..

“As our guests will see for themselves when they arrive, Treasure Island has never looked as good in its entire 41-year history,” he said.

“But all of our guests, both those first-timers and our wonderful returnees, can rest assured that cosmetic changes to one side, some things on Treasure Island never change.

“And the warmth of our welcome in true ‘Bula’ spirit, the levels of service and the tranquillity our guests always find when visiting this piece of paradise remain the very hallmark of a Treasure Island experience”.”

To make a booking and for more information on Treasure Island Resort, visit

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