Sigatoka River Safari Help Build Mavua Village Kindergarten

Filed under Fiji

16 August 2011

Sigatoka River Safari showed helping the villages they work with still remains a number one priority for the company even five years after it first began, with the recent opening of Mavua Kindergarten, in the village of Mavua, Fiji.

With 40 children under 7 years of age living in the village of Mavua a kindergarten was desperately needed and had been wanted for a very long time. The only thing stopping Mavua from building their dream kindergarten was money. Sigatoka River Safari decided to help the village by advancing money to the village to help pay for the building of the kindergarten.

More unexpected funds also came Mavua’s way after Sigatoka River Safari hosted a group from Nutrimetics on their tour. Mavua Village was visited by the Nutrimetics Group and after hearing of the village’s plight for a kindergarten they generously donated FJD$2000 to the village.

“I decided early on when I started the business in 2006 that I was going to do something every six months to benefit the 15 villages we work with in the hills of Navosa and I have completed numerous projects for all the different villages. With Mavua it was fantastic to see that the Nutrimetics group was also willing to help and were so generous with their donation as it really helped Mavua complete their kindergarten” Said Jay Whyte, Sigatoka River Safari, founder and CEO.

Other village projects completed by Sigatoka River Safari include supplying all the remote villages with new Easy-Tel phones so for the first time ever the villager’s could communicate instantly with the outside world, installing fixed water filters in all the villages so they could access clean drinking water all day every day, donating the company’s old life jackets to various villages so they could be used when crossing the river to reduce the incidents of drowning and installing a Bore Hole (drinking water) in the local Naqalimare District School after the Government threatened to close the school down unless one was installed.

A percentage of all Sigatoka River Safari fares are also paid directly to the village visited on that day to fund their various respective village projects which have included putting footpaths throughout their villages, fixing and renovating community hall’s, improvements to district schools, completing village churches and many other culturally important projects.

For reservations and enquiries please contact Sigatoka River Safari’s toll free on 0800 6501 721, Email: or visit


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