Fiji continues strong start to 2010

Filed under Fiji
–          Australian figures for February increase by 24.8 per cent 

–          International figures up by 11.5 per cent

24 March 2010 – Topping off a strong January performance Tourism Fiji visitor arrival statistics released this week show Australian visitor arrivals for February have again increased substantially.

A total of 12,777 Australians visited Fiji in February, a 24.8 per cent increase over the 10,239 figure recorded for the same period in 2009.

Tourism Fiji regional director Australia Paresh Pant said the destination’s ongoing success from this market could be attributed to an intensive east coast TV advertising blitz launched in mid-January offering a range of all inclusive holiday deals.

The strong Australian result helped take Fiji’s international visitor tally to 35,010 for February, an 11.5 per cent increase over the 31,386 achieved for the same period in 2009 with most of the destination’s key source markets showing positive growth.

This includes a 20.9 per cent increase from the New Zealand market.

The national tourist office also recorded strong results from several emerging Asian markets where its strong promotional efforts in recent months are beginning to pay off.

While base figures remain relatively small from China, Taiwan and South Korea, respective visitor arrivals increases of 111.2 per cent, 92 per cent and 44.3 per cent demonstrate strong potential for Fiji from all three markets.

Released by Tourism Fiji 


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